
I have a lot of favorite things such as colors, foods, hobbies, brands, shoes, and just things. There are a lot of things I value in my life. This little web page will be about some of my favorite things, things I value and like.

Favorite Colors

My favorite colors are Aqua, Blue, and Azure. Aqua is one of my favorite colors because first the color Aqua is close to blue. It’s a light bluish-green color; aquamarine. This color reminds me of the water (aqua). Another reason why Aqua is one of my favorite colors is because in Greek, the word Aqua means “water.” Another favorite color of mine is blue. I like any color that is close to blue. I think blue is a really nice color. My last favorite color is Azure, also a color that is close to blue. Azure is a color that is bright blue in color like a cloudless sky. This color reminds me of the beach sky in Guam.

Favorite Foods

I have a couple of favorite foods too, such as shrimp salad. I love Seafood, crabs, lobsters, seaweed soup, dried seaweed. However, one of my favorite foods is shrimp salad because I love salad and shrimp. Another food I like is Lasagna, tomato, and Shanghai pasta. I also like Ramen. I think I like all noodle food. If fruits are included as food then my favorite fruit would be raspberries.

Favorite Snacks

I like Sour Patch, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, Fruit Gushers, Takis, Skittles, Sweedish Fish, Twix, Jolly Ranchers. These are my favorite American snacks. I always get them when I go to America or the Base. I like Korean snacks too but there are so many american varieties of snacks I like.

Favorite Drinks

Some of my favorite drinks are fruit punch, sparkling water/drinks, Mogu-Mogu. When I was young, my family decided to go to Hawaii during the summer break. I remember we went to a famous Hawaii pizza shop. We chose what pizza we were getting. I didn’t want to just get water and asked my dad if I could get another drink than water. My dad said to try fruit punch and then I fell in love with it. ANother drink I like is sparkling/fizzy water/drinks. I like to drink coke, sprite and any sparkling drink. My last favorite drink is Mogu-Mogu. For some people who don’t know Mogu-Mogu is a drink with fruit flavor such as pineapple, peach, lychee, yogurt. Inside the drink there are pieces of little jelly. These are my favorite drinks

Favorite Hobbies

My favorite hobbies are painting, crafting, designing, traveling, swimming outside, and reading. I love painting because what I paint feels very peaceful and quiet. I also like crafting and also designing because first I get to be creative when it comes to crafting a design. Also there is no rule to limit when I’m designing things. On the weekends, I would spend most of my time crafting or designing. For now, I’m designing phone straps but hopefully later on I’ll be able to design bigger things. I also like traveling because when I travel to a different place other than my house, I feel like I’m starting something new. I get to learn new things about new places. Usually me and my family would go to Guam every year for a running event that my dad registered in the middle of April so when COVID-19 started around January, I was super bummed out that I couldn’t go. Also this year we were planning to go to America during summer break but it was also canceled so I just stayed at my house. Hopefully soon, COVID-19 would start dying. I really want to go somewhere this year. Another favorite hobby of mine is outdoor swimming. I love outdoor swimming because it’s outdoor, also because it’s free swim and playing in the water. My last but not least favorite hobby is reading. I like reading also because it’s peaceful and quiet.